Monday, May 01, 2006

Bogus "sinkhole" claims

Many of the payments made by "citizens" and other insurance groups, for sinkholes, are bogus claims.Certainly, it should not be a home owner, who has depended on the state ,to protect him from construction faults,who should take the loss. He should be,somehow,fully insured.There should be a fee based fund paid into, any time large amounts of earth are moved onto property.Large developers,who move earth in great quantities and bury debris are the most frequent offenders.Even large stemmed weeds and large amounts of grass can cause foundation cracking,because of uneven settling.In my area,I have seen farmers hold land on greenbelt,while they got free or low cost fill dirt from other construction excess.This fill would be dumped on top of topsoil {full of humus,which depletes},on top of weeds,small and great,sometimes,even small trees.In florida,farmers are allowed to bury many things on their property,which the rest of us would have to pay to dispose of in a safe manner.The farmer,can then sell the land at a higher price to developers.The developers have a harder time getting permits and fill is expensive,if you buy it when it is not construction excess.Quite often, large amounts of fill are dumped, with no packing done between loads.I believe that the homeowner should not suffer over the cause of settling,be it natural or construction caused.If the home is habitable,if repaired,then it should be repaired by the insurance company.Who finally is responsible, should be worked out afterward, between the insurors.Heavily damaged property, on the coast of Florida,due to storms, should be condemned and bought at the actual predamaged retail value,by the state.If it was built on the beach, it should have always, belonged to everyone,anyway.Our taxes,through citizens,should not restore folly, or merrily feed such a monster of greed.We should get something for our money,besides the knowledge that we have provided the rich with below market insurance, while sticking everyone else to do it.Delbert W Allegood npublici


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