Juxtaposed images of elitism and poverty
I know that Zephyrhills Florida is not the only place these things occur.I know that elitism is so common among the people we elect to office,that it has almost become acceptable, to permit government members to allow themselves to believe that they are better than the rest of us;simply because we elected them.We set a salary and benefits,according to the time,effort and expertise,to do the job.Upon being elected,The "public servants"then decide what they truely deserve,and start rewarding themselves for"all their hard work".In Zephyrhills,that would equal out to about twenty hours a month,unless you're dumb as a box of rocks or slow as molasses.Here in Zephyrhills,we have,quite a few,so called,part time employees.Ala bigbox commerce, we disenfranchise them,no insurance, no anything, but a low waged 32 hr week.It was recently pointed out,by Gina King,that some where along the line, city council members,although not employees of the city,had placed themselves on the full time employee insurance rolls.Since this was going on during an election period,it was decided by council that they would instead recieve half the benefit now,since they were'nt really qualified to be on the plan.No,we haven't heard any more about insurance for the young people,working part time, to fill full time needs.The third juxtapositioned item,is that of seeing contract street work done by people who,almost without doubt,were almost all, illegal workers from south America,while we are at the same time, disenfranchising Americans by calling them part time.Several times,while visiting the convience store next to where they were working,it became patently obvious that most of them knew at least three words of english.Delbert W Allegood npublici
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