Sunday, July 23, 2006

Who do you represent?

Apparently,we need to provide a job description for the job of city council person,so that they will know how to do the job.Once they're elected,we seem to not hear from them,until the next election.One only hears that the elected has voted because of what he believes or what his friends or family believes.Once in awhile you'll hear that "the majority of the people of Zephyrhills" think or feel a certain way about an issue and you know that the council person hasn't walked one city block to discover any opinion, as they did when they were running for election.They have only talked to their close circle, who mostly agree with them ,and in truth,other opinions don't really matter.most of the time these council people find out that there is overwhelming, vehement disagreement to their stance only during a city council meeting,especially a second one.NPUBLICI Delbert W Allegood


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear whoiam,

My name is Luis Lopez and I am on the city council. I respect your opinion in this blog entry. However, I do disagree with the blanket accusation that you made in this opinion of yours. whenever there is an issue that I feel strogly about, I do go around the community and perosnally talk to various sectors of our community. My close circle is the last group of people I talk to. I go out and speak to the senior citizen sector, the religious sector through my church, the Latino sector, the African American sector, the youth sector, white sector, and the business sector. If you feel your voice is not being heard, feel free to contact me and express your views on any issue. I am available 7-days a week.

With Respect,

Luis M. Lopez, MA
Councilman, City of Zephyrhills

6:28 PM  

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