More sensible"Citizens" insurance
I propose that the state of Florida require, the insurance companies allowed to operate in the state,to provide documentation of definate areas, with legal definitions,which they actuarily determine as a risk and what the risk is.I further propose that the state of Florida add a fifty mile wide band to that boundry,encircling it,where possible. The properties within the fifty mile wide band would be allowed to buy insurance from "citizens",also.The insurance companies wouldn't have an effective argument against state competition,because of the proximity of the property in the band to their own determination of risk.It could, possibly,narrow their declared areas of high risk.This would provide capital to"citizens" from lower risk property.I believe a lower rate could be provided to everyone involved.The requirement that "Citizens" have premiums higher than any insurance company would,is insane."Citizens" rates should only reflect actuarial probability and expected event costs the same as any other insurance.The fact that insurance companies won't insure a property already nullifies the premise of government competition. Delbert W. Allegood npublici