Monday, February 12, 2007

Property Taxes

In the state of Florida corporations and the wealthy are holding land,waiting for opportune times to develop or to sell to developers.One of the ways these people pay low taxes, while holding land for gargantuan profits,is to plant trees and declare the land as agricultural greenbelt,which is taxed at a far lower rate than market value is.Green belting trees is a good thing,when it is not abused,because it preserves farms and it provides pulpwood from managed rather than old growth.Most often,what happens in Florida is that land held on forested greenbelt is sold or developed and the trees are bulldozed into piles and burned.I have seen acre after acre of trees large enough for pulpwood,bulldozed and burned.There should be no such tax shelter.Forested Green belt should have past taxes become due at market value,from the time the trees were first green belted,when the trees are not used as pulp wood.The taxes should become due to the owner at the time of the trees destruction.Notification by sellers of the amount of due tax,if the trees are not used as pulpwood or lumber, should be made law,with the penalty for not doing so being that the seller pays the increase of taxes.NPUBLICI


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